Quick Facts Name:
Restaurant and Catering Queensland (RCQ) Head Office: Brisbane, Queensland
ComDispatch Solutions: CRM, CMS, Website Design, EDM & SMS
Web site:
The Challenge
develop & customise a product that would enable the association to
service the membership base more efficiently. Restaurant and Catering
Queensland (RCQ), in cooperation with The Hotel and Motel Association of
Australia (HMAA) and Clubs Queensland (ClubsQLD), commissioned
ComDispatch to development an customised CRM tool. Our brief was
simple, develop and implement a comprehensive and complex member
management tool on a limited budget.
As ComDispatch quickly
identified that this type software was a missing void in the
association-based, not-for-profit arena. To ensure this project was
developed to the best of its ability, ComDispatch decided to heavily
fund the initial development of this project to ensure that the
necessary resources were allocated to the thorough development of this
Project Scope - Implementation of a full CRM system (including, data migration, CMS integration & EDM integration)
- Full redesign of the website
- Implementation of a ComDispatch CMS
- Full redesign of all electronic literature to follow a consistent branding
- Implementation of the EDM with multiple templates for all marketing activities
- Conversion all paper-based forms to electronic payment gateways
& Catering Queensland is one of our three, Foundation Associations.
Forged from a common need our three Foundation Associations, joined
forces to develop a custom member management system. The system was
designed by Australian Associations for Australian Associations. The key
deliverable was to create a sustainable future for the associations and
the members they serve.
Interested in knowing more? Contact the ComDispatch Office